The update to WARM Version 15 includes economic impacts from employment (labor hours), wages and taxes. Prior to the release of WARM Version 15, WARM did not include potential economic benefits from waste reduction or alternative waste management practices.
Desktop Central Processing Units (CPUs),. In addition, users are now easily able to see the production and end-of-life greenhouse gas (GHG) and energy impacts along with other results.ĮPA replaced personal computers with the following electronic materials categories: The main changes to WARM Version 15 include replacing personal computers with more specific electronics categories, incorporating economic impacts into the model, and updating the various factors in the model using current data sources. Users are still able to access the Excel-Based Tool (xls) (3.43 MB) OpenLCA database for WARM Version 15 (zip) WARM is now available as a tool based on a database developed in openLCA software, with versions available for both Windows and Macintosh users (zip) WARM version 15 was originally released in May 2019 and was updated in November 2020 and September 2022. Users can download the current version of WARM, which matches the corresponding Excel version of WARM. Starting with Version 14, WARM is also available as a tool based on a database developed in open life cycle assessment (openLCA) software. The objective is to provide users with a transparent picture of the evolution of the tool and to provide context for comparisons of results obtained from different versions of WARM. Starting with the most recent edition, brief summaries of changes and updates since the previous version are provided below. The purpose of this page is to explain the changes incorporated into each version.
The availability of new and updated information has required updates to the energy and emission factors used in the Waste Reduction Model (WARM) and the inclusion of economic factors.